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Friday 16 March 2012

What is your Milestone?

  1. A stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
  2. An action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
Milestones are frequently used to monitor progress, but there are limitations to their effectiveness. They usually show progress only on the critical path, and ignore non-critical activities. It is not uncommon for resources to be moved from non-critical activities to critical activities to ensure that milestones are met. This gives the impression that the project is on schedule when actually some activities are being ignored.

What inspired this topic was from when I was sitting with my Pop over one of our Pop and Sons get together.  Goals and Milestones are markers. They are a placement that we make for ourselves.  But when used jointly, they make things a reality.  I am proud to say I am living proof.  Since I have started using milestones as a part of my goal setting, I have found positive results.  My electric bill came and it was not a balance due but a credit owed.  

This works folks.  Milestones usually found on the road as indicators for how far you have traveled.  For me, they mark how far I am moving towards my goals.  I know at the end of this month I will have cleared two major financial goals.  The funds used to bring this balance to a close will then be used towards another goal which has milestones to guide me to reach my financial security.  I am grateful my Pop reminded the value of the milestone.   Thanks Pop.  

I am grateful my Pop reminded the value of the milestone.    
Thanks Pop. 

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