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Saturday 10 March 2012

Live Better Than You Did Before

Life is funny.  There may come a time where you and that "Person" from the past, may cross paths.  By living better than you did before.  Not only builds confidence, but retains your pride and self worth.  As is, while you were with that "Person". The time you shared was filled with love, affection, and connection. They have chose to go another direction for themselves.   Since you are choosing to live a better life than while the "Person"you were with.  Shows a growth and awareness.  The better life you have created after the "Person".  Where if they had stayed on.  Would have reaped the benefits.  But understand it is not a science. But for me,  my life has gotten better.  Because I recognized my insecurities and acted on them and they are being replaced with solid foundations.

I understand I do not need to be with someone.  I want to be with someone.  Focus on where you want to be.  That is, "What I am doing?" I am realizing that something else was the reason for their choice.  It amazing how ones behavour can be one thing for months. Then the complete opposite.  They are not the "Person"  that I given my emotions, devotion, and affection to.  Now, they are hurtful, bitter, and insensitive.  But these actions have made it easier to focus on my life.

I recommend you take the step to make yourself happy first.  I have made it my focus to make the "Person" my center of my world.  Ensure they know they are loved, I am there, words of affection, and support.  Now, since this situation. I will be better positioned for when I am ready to let someone else in.  I have a plan and that will enable me to be more financially secure.  But know this my heart was broken. But my Spirit was not.

 "My heart was broken. But my Spirit was not." 

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