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Saturday 31 March 2012

The Power and Strength When Sharing Experiences With Others

I was listening to Jim Rohn and what he spoke on "sharing".  Inspired me to write abut how sharing can be very empowering and strengthen a persons inner core.  It is when we share with others we learn, grow and refine our knowledge of what we have gained.

"Socrates sharing his knowledge"

When we share our skills or experiences with others.  It allows us the opportunity to pass down knowledge and or skills to lift another person to new heights.  This blog is a prime example of sharing.  I know that I have benefited from others sharing their life of their story.   I want to give back and pay it forward.  Let other benefit from my "Life Lessons" as I have from others.  What I have experienced for myself.  I am not the only one.  For those who are going through similar situations as I have.  May they find hope that there is a light at the end of their long "tunnel"  Then I have paid it forward.

" May they find hope that there is a light at the end of their long tunnel"

Like I had said in "Attitude has a frequency. What is yours?"  I was limiting myself.  My thoughts and what I chose to believe about what I could not accomplish.   Caused me to not unlock my true potential.  There have been others who have said "Gordon, I see such potential in you" or "You have so much talent in you. Three is nothing once you put your mind to it."  I really did not put much faith in myself or confidence for that matter.  I was confident minded but not confident in myself.

Since I have changed my way of thinking and focus.  I have found my "Common Sense". Originally, it was skewed and now I actually stop and think before I do something.  No more being thoughtless minded.  I put "Action" to my fears (my insecurities) which has allowed me to be in my opinion "Limitless".  I am living better than I have before and it shows by the results I am getting. My new work has allowed me to have better source of income. The income has enabled to have more financial security that I had before.   Which has freed me from stress and uncertainty.

I have no more fears, I am becoming more than what I was because I am no longer placing limitations on myself.  All this is because I have chosen to share my Book of my life with you.  To show that it can be done and it is real.   Jim Rohn said, Reality begins with imagination.  Imagination is but a thought we create in our minds.  Create the reality your want and with the right action and discipline behind it.  Many things, wonderful things are possible.  

Sunday 25 March 2012

Attitude has a frequency. What is yours?

The power of our attitude is incredible.  Our attitudes are what mold our thoughts, directions, and in a lot of cases our beliefs.  Whether it is a good or bad attitude.  Then both impact our lives and those around us.  The great Spiritual, Motivational, and Business speakers all talk about the strength of having a positive attitude.

Our minds are transmitting and receiving 24/7.  It has been documented that the brain is emitting brain waves.  There are various types of brain waves.

- Delta waves (below 4 hz) occur during sleep
- Theta waves (4-7 hz) are associated with sleep, deep relaxation (like hypnotic relaxation), and   
- Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm
- Beta waves (13-38 hz) occur when we are actively thinking, problem-solving, etc.

 As you can see they have a frequency.  It has been said that when one "Tunes"  their brain.  Then like frequencies attract each other.  Such as people, finance, and lifestyle.  Let me share with you a port of my recent experiences with you.  As I had written in the past of how something changed my life and I chose to to switch from putting energy into "Emotional Security" and focus on my "Financial Security".  I am proud to share with you that it is working.

Since my "Shift", in my frequency and energy.  I am attracting more financial security.   I will have only one major responsibility at the end the month.  In about two months according to my "Milestone".  I will reach the half way mark for funds needed to to bring my balance to half.  I now have savings should something happen I am covered.  I share this with you because if I can accomplish this.  Nothing is out of your reach.  We are limited to the limitations we place on ourselves.  We are "Limitless" and we have the power to make our reality. There was a saying I heard.
" If you fail to plan.  You plan to fail."

" If you fail to plan.  You plan to fail."

With what I have experienced in the recently.  I have found my "Common Sense".  My common sense was suede.  That is why it was asked why did I not know this or that.  I was never placed in a position to learn it.  Now, I have been put in to a position and have gained the knowledge and experienced I was missing.   With my new common sense has me thinking for myself and taking care of me.  It was easier to take care of others than myself.  I was wrong and we need to take care of ourselves.  I had displayed that I was not able to do that.  We all make mistakes.  It is what we do after that makes us grow and become more from the event. Mistakes for me are lessons 'Life" gives us to learn, grow and become more than what we were before the new experience.




"Learn, Grow, Become more than what we were before."

Who I was in February is but a memory.  I have grown from the event and better because of it.  I am thankful for the experience and lessons that came from it.  As I have said before.  Our past does not make our future.  What we do in the present is what creates our future.  That is why the "present" is a gift to ourselves.

"That is why the "present" is a gift to ourselves."

 Because  I chose to have a positive attitude and not the negative.  I have been able to reach my goals which had "Milestones" to mark the way to my financial security become a reality.  It is our attitude that is part of who we are as a person.  If I need to do something or I don't know it. I research it and get the answers I need.  I am realizing I had put limitations on myself and know that I had placed myself into that state of mind. 

My way of thinking and doing things for myself has changed.  Which has resulted in my new lifestyle and how is am choosing to life my life.  Like I said earlier, "Live better than you did before."  I am and my life has improved. I have savings now. I now only have one major responsibility to deal with and even that in two months is reduced to half of a balance being owed.  I have grown and become more than what  the person I was in February. If I can achieve these things. I know that you can too.  Action will always over come FEAR.

"Action will always over come FEAR."

Friday 16 March 2012

What is your Milestone?

  1. A stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
  2. An action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
Milestones are frequently used to monitor progress, but there are limitations to their effectiveness. They usually show progress only on the critical path, and ignore non-critical activities. It is not uncommon for resources to be moved from non-critical activities to critical activities to ensure that milestones are met. This gives the impression that the project is on schedule when actually some activities are being ignored.

What inspired this topic was from when I was sitting with my Pop over one of our Pop and Sons get together.  Goals and Milestones are markers. They are a placement that we make for ourselves.  But when used jointly, they make things a reality.  I am proud to say I am living proof.  Since I have started using milestones as a part of my goal setting, I have found positive results.  My electric bill came and it was not a balance due but a credit owed.  

This works folks.  Milestones usually found on the road as indicators for how far you have traveled.  For me, they mark how far I am moving towards my goals.  I know at the end of this month I will have cleared two major financial goals.  The funds used to bring this balance to a close will then be used towards another goal which has milestones to guide me to reach my financial security.  I am grateful my Pop reminded the value of the milestone.   Thanks Pop.  

I am grateful my Pop reminded the value of the milestone.    
Thanks Pop. 

Monday 12 March 2012


I went to the movies last night with a friend and we saw "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss.   I remember the book from when  I was a young boy.  Seeing this movie was amazing. Even in 3D.  But the "UNLESS" made so much sense.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." 
                                       Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

It was about, rings truth.  Unless we care a great deal, then nothing will get done.  If we take start to care more and show interest other than ourselves.  The world would be more harmonious

s and less introverted.  It is no wonder why life is the way it is at time.  We all want to be supportive and caring but sometimes it is futile effort.

I disagree, that it is a futile effort.  Some say I care more than I should when it comes to matters of the "Heart". That  I care more than I should and that I do not give to more in the beginning and I should.  But I feel that it is best to give it all at once.  Affection is not an allowance.  Like one works for from doing chores.  

I have come to realized to some degree that they have a point.  Too much too soon is like putting too much baking soda and spoils the mixture.   As each day that goes by.  I am getting more stronger and confident of my conviction of reaching my goals that I have set.  If I can, you surely can reach your desired goals.  

I am glad for the experience that life presents to me.  Though at the moment of it, I am angered, upset, saddened, devastated, hurt, and broken.  Time as I have said before, is a teacher, companion, and healer.  I am so excited as to what my life is manifesting.  Doors are opening and wonderful things are coming to focus. 

Saturday 10 March 2012

Live Better Than You Did Before

Life is funny.  There may come a time where you and that "Person" from the past, may cross paths.  By living better than you did before.  Not only builds confidence, but retains your pride and self worth.  As is, while you were with that "Person". The time you shared was filled with love, affection, and connection. They have chose to go another direction for themselves.   Since you are choosing to live a better life than while the "Person"you were with.  Shows a growth and awareness.  The better life you have created after the "Person".  Where if they had stayed on.  Would have reaped the benefits.  But understand it is not a science. But for me,  my life has gotten better.  Because I recognized my insecurities and acted on them and they are being replaced with solid foundations.

I understand I do not need to be with someone.  I want to be with someone.  Focus on where you want to be.  That is, "What I am doing?" I am realizing that something else was the reason for their choice.  It amazing how ones behavour can be one thing for months. Then the complete opposite.  They are not the "Person"  that I given my emotions, devotion, and affection to.  Now, they are hurtful, bitter, and insensitive.  But these actions have made it easier to focus on my life.

I recommend you take the step to make yourself happy first.  I have made it my focus to make the "Person" my center of my world.  Ensure they know they are loved, I am there, words of affection, and support.  Now, since this situation. I will be better positioned for when I am ready to let someone else in.  I have a plan and that will enable me to be more financially secure.  But know this my heart was broken. But my Spirit was not.

 "My heart was broken. But my Spirit was not." 

Sunday 4 March 2012

The Light is at the End of the Tunnel

The Light is being seen.  I finally get it.  Knowing what I have come to realize and embracing it.  I found that what I thought was me.  What I was a "Wanna Be".  What is that?  Well, when I went to college and took courses for business.

 They taught us to be successful is the dress and act successful.  "State of mind is the frame for your success".  It became second nature. I use to call myself the "Connector".  I felt that I have a business cards and I know a lot of people and I thought made me the "Connector".  I have discovered that I am not "Connector"

 I am a guy whose insecurities were masked by a convincing myself how others should see me.  I was wrong.  Folks, I was conditioned it was important what people saw.  I have discovered that I don't need a business card and what my mentor calls, "Fake it, till you make it." 

That is what I was taught when I was in Sales and Marketing.  I became so good and presenting that I believed it.  It took someone else to make me realize that was not who I was inside. 

I am no" Connector"  nor am I a successful business person.  I am a guy who is has a job and bills.  I was focused on "Emotional Security" and not "Financial Security".  Now, I have changed my focus and putting my energies into myself. 

The results are encouraging.  Within 4-8 weeks I will have more saved up than I have ever before.  In 30 days I will have two majors bills paid off.  I will then only have one the one huge one.  Which I have plans to talk to my bank to work out a settlement to manage it more effectively.

I am sharing this with you because if I can do it.  Others can benefit from my lessons.  The person who I care a great deal about.  My lack of being financially stable was a deciding factor for them that made them choose to take care of themselves. 

But like I have said before, people come into our lives for a 'Reason or Season".  In my case this person came in for both.  Now, I know that I don't need to be with someone.  I want to be with someone.  I wished  I knew this before, but that that I do.  I am better person. 

 I am proud that I have my own apartment, a great job, and my responsibilities are being managed.  The goal is in 4-5 months I will be able to have my one bill cut into half.  In 10 months from I will be in a position to apply for a mortgage to get a house.

 I have a comments section here and encourage your feed back.  It is the journey that counts not the destination. 

"It is the journey that counts not the destination."