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Friday 6 April 2012

Circle of Influence... What is Yours?

Influences come from many sources.  In this case, it is the people who we choose to surround ourselves with.  A friend of mine sent me a text saying, "You're smart, funny, kind, loving and worth so much to the people you choose to surround yourself with. Those are qualities you possess in yourself."

My "Circle of Influence" is small.  They are people who encourage, life and let me know no holds barred when I am doing something foolish or does not benefit me.  My circle is filled with those who I trust and I am able to learn, challenge and I grow from having them in my life.  Some are my peers and others are older but all are valued and have importance in my life. 

I am grateful to my "Circle of Influence" .  There have been times I didn't have answers even after I researched online or books.  Sometimes personal experience is more valuable than what is found in books.  It is interesting  how we could benefit from others if we just stopped and listened.  I know I have learned a great deal from others.

We need only people who contribute positively and want us to be all that we can be.  People who are negative don't serve as a benefit.  I had an experience where my "Circle of Influence" gave the wrong impression of what my character was.  Someone from when  I was in high school thought I smoked pot.  The people who I use to hung out with did. 

They assumed that I had.  They said had they took the time to get to know me things would be different.  It made me realize I needed to really pay attention to whom I have around me.  The people who are now my "Circle of Influence".  I have earned their trust as the have gained my trust. 

Chose wisely who you have in your "Circle of Influence".  We instinctively judge who a person is by how they are with.  I am have learned not to judge and give the person the chance to show me who they are.

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