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Saturday 19 May 2012

A Mentor Is Like A Compass

I would recommend any one who wants to improve themselves to get a mentor.  They are not there to be a friend but keep you on track.  Their purpose is to guide you to where you set your milestones and achieve your goals.

Just like a compass helps sea captains navigate through the seven seas.  Your "Mentor", will assist you in navigating through the deep waters of your life.  More importantly, your life.  Most successful people have a mentor and some even have more than just one.

 The Mentor

Mentors can be used for various aspects of your life.  It depends what you want to work on. There are fitness coach can be considered as a mentor.  Their focus is your success.  Personally, I am thankful for my two mentors.  They have been instrumental in paving the road to my success.  They are my "Life Compass".  Should I ever veer off course, they are there to bring my back on track.

Understand that a Mentor is someone who you are choosing to to guide you.  Both my mentors have mentors themselves.   "Lead by Example", is what is called.  I do my best to practice what I write.  If I can over come these hurdles.  Then you can also achieve greatness.  It is possible to succeed.  You have to choose. 

 "Lead by Example"

Not all mentors are equal either. There are mentors out there that claim to be success full and they are not.  You need to do you own "Do Diligence".  They can make things instead of better, they can get worse.  Just like any investment.  Do your homework, check out their history.  Have them give you referrals.  It is your life and therefore, your responsibility to take ownership of your path.

"Do your homework."

Your mentor makes your accountable for completing your milestones that lead to your goals.  I am very fortunate that I two phenomenally, amazing, and talented mentors.  They both are happily married, successful in their own right and own their homes.  I wanted a mentor because I wanted more for myself.  My mentors keep me on track and encourage me to learn more. 

I encourage you all to find your mentor.  I needed a compass to guide me through the forest of doubt, fear and low self esteem.  Find your "Life Compass".  It will change your life. 

"Life Compass"

Saturday 5 May 2012

Let the Flame of Faith Bring Light to the Shadows of Fear

 Battle between the “Light” and “Dark”

There is always the ongoing battle between the “Light” and “Dark”.  But having faith in yourself is a strength that creates a light that shines through the Shadows of Fear. It is the fear that holds us back from discovering are true potential.  Fear is found in Horror movie, stories, and nightmares.  But it is in our daily lives.  How we choose to deal with it.  If we let Fear run our lives, we become slaves to it. 
We all handle fear differently.  Fear is an emotional.  That is all that it is.  Until we give into it.  Then we give it the power to control and dictate how our lives are going to become.  It is our lack of faith in ourselves that allows Fear to slip in and place a blind fold on our potential.   It is time to remove that blindfold and let out the person who we truly can become. 

"It is time to remove that blindfold"

I can say from personal experience. I have removed the blind fold that Fear placed on me and I see things differently.  The faith I have found in myself has enabled me to do the many things that I didn’t think I was capable to doing.  I have accomplished a lot over the past 3 and half months.  I over came my insecurities and realizing that I didn’t give myself enough credit.  

My mentor invited me to a leadership conference this weekend.  What made this one of particular interest is of the speaker.  John C. Maxwell was the guest speaker and my mentor knew he was someone who I admired.  Goes back to what I was saying earlier how facing ones fears.  It unlocks and lets opportunities to come to you.  

  "It unlocks and lets opportunities to come to you."

The moment I faced my insecurities and took away the fear that was binding me.  I no long fear of failing because it is a lesson to grown and become better.  Fear caused me to mask my insecurities with portraying to be more than what I was.  Finding the faith in myself has caused me to become more the person who I am now.  
 Fear Binds Our Potential

I am thankful for the people I have surrounded myself with.  I have learned that I need to take care of me of myself.  Fear had me convinced that I needed emotional security and is robbed me of building my financial security.  Fear was taking me away from being financial responsible.  With my new Faith in place, I have that financial security.  

"Financial Security verses Emotional Security"

By taking action against my fears and looking after myself.  I am now capable to taking care of others.  I feel that for years my head was in disillusion.  My feet are planted firmly in the “Ground of Reality”.  When a plant is in strong healthy soil, things grow and bloom to their potential.  Realizing how much I have lost due to allowing Fear rule my life.  I have taking control and removed Fear from the driver seat.  
My feet are planted firmly in the “Ground of Reality”

I have broken the chains of Doubt and low self esteem.  People have seen the change in me.  Since I have Faith in myself, others are impacted and have been inspired to make the shift for themselves.  My new life is filled with meeting new people and I am doing more with my life.  The person who I was two and half months ago is gone.  I use to pan for gold when I was a kid.  It was fun.  What I have gone through the past few months is like panning for gold.  With each swish of water to remove the gravel and you keep doing it until you discover the gold flakes.  That’s exciting. 

Broken the Chains of Doubt and Low Self Esteem

The gravel was the fears I had and when I washed them away the end result was being free of the Bonds of Fear.   I have taken back my power from Fear.    Life will change for you and you will discover there is so much you can accomplished on your own.   I have found by having faith in myself. The life I have now is the direct result of confronting the fear I had.  

I encourage you to “Live” and not “Survive”.  Your life is your own.  Fear will tell you what you can’t do or what you can become.   Have faith in yourself.  The Fear will lose its hold on you.   Take back what is yours and that is your Power.   Let the Flame of Faith Bring Light to the Shadows of Fear.  
"Have faith in yourself"

Wednesday 2 May 2012

With Great Loss, Comes Great Rewards

About a couple months ago I had what I named "The Event".  For me it was a great emotional loss.  It was the most I had ever cared for someone or as strongly.  They felt that they could not give back and were broken.  It was only sometime later. I found out what they told me and what was said to others was totally different.

The accidental phone call that came from their cell.  Where I could her them laughing and the sounds of a night club.  It was then it dawned on me that a week prior they were devastated and upset.  It sure didn't seem that way from what I heard.  It hurt very deeply.  Here I was laying in bed heart broken and they are out acting like they were not even upset.

Further communication came in the form of texts.  They needed something back and came off as being sincere but when they were upset and stress. I gave comfort and they thanked me but said stop.  Then said I wanted to extend positive energy and they said they hated it.  That also caused hurt.  I made the misjudgement on bringing attention to a photo on my Facebook page.

It prompted the most hurtful text I have ever gotten.  But what they texted and the words they chose to use. Made me realize many things.  It motivated me to prioritize my goals.   It was clear and I got their message.  Did not realize the next two months my life would change forever.  My best friend told me to live better than I did before.  There may come a day you will cross paths and your new life. The better life you have made for yourself.

Their fears, insecurities, coupled with the paranoia they have. They chose to end the relationship.  I knew some of their past and accepted it. My naivety of thinking love and affection will mend the emotional and mental abuse they encountered would be enough.  I was wrong.  I sought emotional security and it is not same as financial security.

I now found my frequency.  My focus is wealth and not women.  Sure I will go out. But as for relationships at this point in my life not now.  Since the change it has prompted me to face reality.  Things are getting better, better and incredibility better.  For example, I have only one major responsibility.  I get to meet someone whom I admire and have several of his books.  I get to meet them face to face. It is John C Maxwell.

There is more, but lets say since I faced my fears by taking action.  My life have improved.  These and more are what I would consider, "Great Rewards".  I have face my insecurities and realized that I was placing limitations on myself.  I have removed those limitations and now my life is changing and growing.  With great loss, comes great rewards.

I have done more in the past two months than I have done in  the last year.  I found that my photography is liked and those who have seen it have suggested I should pursue it.  I have made arrangements to show case them.  I have gone back singing and have built a place to call home for singing.  I recommend everyone to face their fears and conquer them.   The rewards are in measurable and priceless.