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Saturday 25 February 2012

Change, Grow and Become

I was listening to a amazing speaker by the name of Jim Rohn.  He was talking about personal growth.  I quite liked what he said, "Welcome all experiences, you never know which one will turn everything on."  A lot has happened to me if the past two weeks.

 But from listening from Jim, I have come to realize that I need set my priorities.  I en courage you who read this. Goal setting is rewarding.  I have been doing some goal setting.  It has resulted in some very positive experience. 

What I like about Change, Grow and Become is this.  With the "Change", a person the experience good or bad. One can choose to "Grow" from it or not.  From the growth, you become something more before the growth.  I have found due to recent events.

 I  have become more of my true self.  I only need myself and that is enough.  I just wished I knew that before hand. But like my mentor shared with me.  People come into our lives.  Sometimes for a reason or for a season.  Sometimes it is both.  For me, I someone come in for both.

Reason: To show that I need to work on me.  Season: Was in my life for a not long.  Long enough to express their emotions.  Things happen for a reason.  I have learned more about myself and I am thankful for them being in my life.

I am on the mend, reaching my goals to position me to be more reliable and self sufficient.  This experience has made that very apparent I have had still unresolved matters.  This hurt was enough for me to get up and take action against my fears.  I challenge you to face yours.  When you over come them, they no long have a hold on you.  Thank you for letting me share my experiences.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Time Our Teacher and Healer

In our lives we have gone through moments of heart breaks and losses.  We are told how time will heal and time teaches.  Due to a recent event that has happened in my life.  I am understanding in more detail about the power of time.  The emotions it had taken to create my feelings involved time.  Thanks to Albert Einstein, time is relevant.  As in relevant to your situation.

Because of choices I had made.  It created a behavior that showed someone who is important in my life that I need to work on myself.  We all have insecurities and sometimes our self esteem are effected.  I found that it was easier for me to be myself when I was with them.  But in public, I have discovered I bragged.  It was to hide my insecurities that I was not as accomplished. It seems I cared what others thought of me.  I wanted to share this part of me with you because if I can recognize and take action and face my fear.  You can also.

I deleted all my photos that I would use to show others on my phone, I have chosen to tell fewer jokes and lessened the amount of mind bending tricks.  I need to be alright with "Me".  I thought I was but due to recent discovery I still had felt the need to be accepted.  Now, I have faced my fear by taking action. 

I am studying and getting to know myself and realizing how I don't need to show boat.  I no longer concern myself what others may think of me.  Time like I said earlier is a teacher.  It has taught me what is important.  That it only matters what I think of myself and not what others think.   Let time be your teacher, mentor, companion, and healer.  I am on the mend and know that I am learning to be independent and self reliant.  I thought that getting others to help was being resourceful.  However, I know I need to do more for myself. 

Let my life lesson that I share with you here. Help you take action to better yourself.  Though I miss them deeply. I am understanding how important the choices I make now will benefit my future.  The past does not have to be our future.  It is what you do in the present that creates your future.  Remember the present is a gift.

Friday 17 February 2012

The Power of a Pond

Well the power of positive attitude  is at work.  I am proud to share with you that I have as a result of "Positive Power".  I have a new position with a company that has been voted by employees to be the best place to work at.  Also, I will be making more than I am now.   I was listening to a speaker a while ago and they shared something that was captivating.  They were, 1: If you think it is impossible, it is not. 2: If you think you know everything, you don't and 3: If you think you are alone, you are not.    Those struck a chord to me and I just wanted to share it with you.

I use to tell a story about "The Pond" in my seminars and it is about how positive and negative energies have a unique impact on us.  It goes something like this...

The teacher lead s their students to  a local pond near the school.  The teacher then picks two students from the class. "Class let this pond be a reflections of a group of people".  Then they asked the two chosen to pick up a pebble. The students did what they were asked.  Then they placed their left hand on the girl left had shoulder and said, "You are positive energy."  Then with the other hand he placed it on the boy.  "You are negative energy."  

The teacher then instructed the two to walk to the edge of the pound.  "Now one who is negative, toss your pebble into the pond and witness what the water reveals."  As the boy did as he was told. When the pebble broke the waters calm surface, it created a series of ripples that formed rings.  Then the teach said, " Now you who are positive, toss your pebble and witness what your influence has on both environments."  She did and where the pebble that was negative had made its influence, her pebble overlapped the ripples made previous.  The teacher then asked, "What was it that we have just observed?" 

"Positive and Negative can you tell us what was witnessed?"  Negative said, " As I tossed my pebble into an environment that was neutral, my energy caused a negative influence that affected the area it was introduced."
The teacher turned to Positive and asked, " What did your pebble cause?"  Positive then said, " As i tossed my pebble into the same area that the negative pebble was tossed.  The positive energy began to overlap the negative ripples.  Though some of the negative rings remained.  Positive energy was stronger influence than the negative." 

The teacher then concludes in saying, "Both energies have the same affect but one has more of an attraction that the other.  A moth is drawn to the flicker of a flame from a candle.  We are more receptive to actions caused by positive energies, that from someone whose actions is a source of negative energy.  What is important to remember class is that you will have greater successes using your power and align it with positive energies.  To use negative energies to achieve your successes will only reflect who your are and what type of character you truly are.  We shall find in this life to be filled with challenges. 

It is how your approach other is important and how you come across with your words, actions and intent.  Use your energies to better not only your life, but also the life of others .  For the light reveal to other s determines what kind of light you will lead with.  You are torches of wisdom that others will ask to light their way through the darkness.  Those who choose this path are blessed with gifts no money can offer.  Let my light lighten your path you shall tread."  

I hope you enjoy this story.  I know I have always appreciated how this impacted on those who have listened. I hope that you connect with this. As I and those I have shared this with.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Written Words that Come from Heart and Moments captured in photographs

Over the years I have written poems that were for those who have touched my heart.  I consider myself to be a "Shutter Bug".  All poems and photographs are owned by me.  Enjoy the poems and photographs.  

Wishing Star

I have no love of my own.
I am alone for the time being.
Moon beams of wonder.
Could not light my Lantern of Hope.
But the dream is not gone.
As the dawn shines its rays of brilliance.
I see your picture catch shimmering light.
You are quite the sight to look at.
When you and I are on the phone.
Our chats are filled with positive thoughts.
The good times we share could never be replaced.
Nor can it compare to the times we sit back and hold each other tight.
On quiet nights by the fire or cuddled during a movie.
We crave the same desires.
And have the same kindred spirit.
You saved my old soul from pain.
I can’t let you go now or ever.
So forgive me 


Beauty is in the details

You Are My Angel

In my head are thoughts of you.
When my life was down.
It was you that pulled me through.
I rise above the pain,
And it’s because of your love.
You’re all I dreamed of.
Should I fall you are there.
I call out your name,
In the middle of the night.
You place your arms around me
Rest your cheek on my back.
Everything I going to be all right.
With the power of your touch.
Brings a sense of comfort fills me.
Knowing that you are here to stay.
You are my one and only.
Being with you is true bliss.
On days that you’re gone.
I long for your touch.
With what you do to show how you feel.
Means so much.
Then I start to miss,
Tender sweet kisses.
To me you are very real.
But others say that you are myth.
Why do they think this?
I tell you are my Angel.

May 18, 1998

 "The power of faith"

Sets This Soul Free

A prayer I have made.
In the still darkness.
Though I may fade to sleep.
I begin to dream.
Deep and so real are these images.
It is like turning a page.
Your tenderness and compassion.
Cascade like a waterfall.
Into this heart of mine.
You heal my emotional scars.
Should I cry a tear.
I am sure that you be near.
Hold me in your arms.
Fallen Angel is you.
What you do and say to me.
Sets this soul free.

Sept. 20, 1998

 "Sands of Time"

It Must Be Love

Each touch you give me.
Erases the pain and sorrow.
You see something inside.
I tried to hide.
With your love I live again.
Bring with you is a gift.
From heaven above.
I think of you day and night.
What makes me feel this way.
Is real or a dream.
You look into my eyes.
When I am down you lift me up.
It could only be one thing.
It must be love.

Sept. 9, 1998

 Sunsets I love them

I Find Comfort In Your Arms

So long as you want me,
I shall stay and be yours.
As I m with you,
There shall be no other.
Never shall I stray.
Each time that I am away from your side.
It seems that a part o me is missing.
This heart has been broken.
By words that were spoken.
They were thought to be true emotions.
Instead they were tainted with deception.
From the touch of your innocence I am restored.
This soul has much healing to do.
It needs to make it whole again.
Before I can take another chance to go the distance.
My defense was shattered.
With the pain created.
I was feeling defeated and weak.
I began to bleed from my emotional wounds.
But somehow, you made it better.
Because you care and with the affection you give.
Rain refreshes and washes the land.
You were the shower that washed the stains.
When you speak and look into y eyes.
The fear and woe I had.
Disappear  and are the n gone.
Then I find comfort in your arms.

May 26, 1998

True Beauty

I look into your eyes.
Within them is a flame.
It burns bright.
Your beauty and personality.
She is like the evening star at night.
A work of art is what you are.
To be with someone like you.
Is like an explorer embarking on a quest.
When you speak.
Sweet lips of honey,
Soft words are spoken.
Such a creation comes from only one place.
That would be heaven.
A dove is a symbol of peace.
You are a sign of true beauty.


 Well I hope you have enjoyed these photographs and poems.  I know I have by taking them and writing from my heart.  If what I have written you like let me know by commenting.  If you like the photographs, then please share your thoughts.