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Sunday 15 January 2012

Limitations are what we place on ourselves

The only limitations one has are the ones that we place on ourselves.  I would like to share an experience with you that I had.  I was limiting myself for years because I had it stuck in my head what it took to be a "Motivational Speaker".  I was very wrong.  We all are experts in some fashion.  Our experiences, though at time similar to others. Are still unique to our own.  Why? They were created by our choices. Which in turn generated the experience. 


The point that I am making is I allowed my limitations be dictated by what I experienced as to what makes one a "Motivational Speaker".   This blog for example is proof that I am  over come my "Limitation".  How? By sharing with you my experiences that I have had while in the presence of the "Positive Power".

Thoughts are Power

Limitations are like a brick wall.  Either by those around us or by our own thoughts. We are the builders who have created them in our minds.  Have strength and the courage to believe in yourselves.   Break the barriers of limitations.  Break free and become limitless.  


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