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Monday 30 January 2012

The Power of A.C.T.

A part of my seminars I would talk about the The Power of A.C.T. and the effects it has on us.  Attitude, Communication, and Trust are like Green, Yellow, Blue, which make up the Primary Colors.  With your attitude, how you communicate, and the trusts you build all require you to act on it.  

      Primary Colors, sets of colors that can be combined to make a useful range of color

      A.C.T. sets of qualities that when combined make connections and relationship. 

It is because we understand the primary colors we can distinguish colors.  But imagine what we can unlock when we begin to understand how are attitudes be it a positive or negative.  The manor in how we communicate be it verbal or by our gestures.  The different levels of trusts that are forged.  Together, it can open or close opportunities as quick as a thought.  

When we learn to understand how all these have a symbiotic relationship with each other. We discover and uncover life's unique symphony.  Just like as notes are arranges in a song. It is knowing how each note works. It creates the melody.  What I like about using primary colors is we all understand how they effect our everyday lives.


Combine them and you get... "Melody"
For years I have been asked what is my "Secret" or "How did you get to be so personable?" What I say to that is fun made me so here I am.  I had learned at an earlier age that it is your attitude and how you communicate it builds the trust which creates the relationships both professionally and personally.  

If you like what I have been sharing with you.  Please let me know what your thoughts are in the comments section.  In February, I am planning to have a seminar in Calgary, Alberta.  I will be discussing in more detail about Positive Power and how the Power is in YOU! 

 Tthe Power is in YOU!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Keys Are Always Accessible

Who we are, is the sum of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.  Blend these together with personality.  We have what poets and philosophers have written for centuries and they have said to be the "Essence".   

 Like that of a key that has yet to receive its bumps and ridges.  As a person grows and starts their journey in building their identity.  We begin to define ourselves and individuals.  

A key unlocks things, like doors, gates, and locks.  The key I am referring to is the one we have within us all.  Our attitudes and behaviors we show others are like keys themselves.  

I have come to realize that it is our “essence” that defines who we are.  With the choices we make and the actions we do.  Our key that we are making will be with us every step of our journey.  

This key is morphing and is constantly changing.  With each passing year we learn new skills and gain experience.  We add another key to our “Ring of Knowledge”.  The wonderful thing about the "Ring of Knowledge". The keys are always accessible.

“Ring of Knowledge”

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Finding the Stillness in the Eye of the Hurricane Of Life

Have you found in your life the whirlwind of frustration and confusion. I know I have from time to time.  But in my personal Hurricane of Life.  With the lessons of Positive Power. I have come to harness the 'Stillness' that is in the eye of the Hurricane.   

We all have our storms and overcast moments.  But how we chose to let them impact our thoughts and lives is solely our undoing or binding of the threads that weave our tapestry of life.   Not that life is perfect.  It is not and that is what make it a journey and not a destination.  

A hurricane which brings with them wind, rain, hail, and the all that is which makes a recipe for a  bad storm. With have a recipe for disaster.  On the other hand, with sunshine, blue sky and white puffy clouds makes for a great batch of smiles.

 Remember this, we are the writers of our tales, the composers of symphonies, and explorers of new frontiers of what they call 'Life'.  

Sunday 15 January 2012

Limitations are what we place on ourselves

The only limitations one has are the ones that we place on ourselves.  I would like to share an experience with you that I had.  I was limiting myself for years because I had it stuck in my head what it took to be a "Motivational Speaker".  I was very wrong.  We all are experts in some fashion.  Our experiences, though at time similar to others. Are still unique to our own.  Why? They were created by our choices. Which in turn generated the experience. 


The point that I am making is I allowed my limitations be dictated by what I experienced as to what makes one a "Motivational Speaker".   This blog for example is proof that I am  over come my "Limitation".  How? By sharing with you my experiences that I have had while in the presence of the "Positive Power".

Thoughts are Power

Limitations are like a brick wall.  Either by those around us or by our own thoughts. We are the builders who have created them in our minds.  Have strength and the courage to believe in yourselves.   Break the barriers of limitations.  Break free and become limitless.  


Friday 13 January 2012

The Power of Positive Intentions

With a positive attitude, people will be more than willing to approach you and this is beneficial because people will not feel threatened, but welcomed.  Being negative towards others, harbors the opposite response and people will avoid you and will be less willing to approach you.


An example of positive thinking is when the coach tells the team that they are a winning team.  Once the team believes in it, the y become the product of what they believe.  They begin to develop their own confidence that will give them a key to unlock the doors of opportunity.  This key is their personal inner power all have and we call this, "Positive Power." 

 The Power of One Thought

How you act in the view of others reflects the type o person who you may be.  

Unless the image you portray is false.  Then you are only fooling yourself.  True strength comes from accepting who you  are and having the confidence to show to other who we truely are.  

It is better to show the real you.  Be proud of who you are.  There is strength in confidence and power in knowing who you are is special. 

"Believe in you. Others will also believe in you."

Over the years when speaking at my seminars and workshops.  I am always learning more from the those who attended.  People have commented on the benefits of A.C.T. - Attitude, Communication and Trust.  That is for another time to share with you.  Stay tuned. 

Thursday 12 January 2012

What Motivates You?

Greeting readers, my name is Gordon and this is my first blog.  I have spent the better part of my life sharing what I call the Positive Power.  I  am not saying that I am an advocate for optimism but I have years of personal experiences where positive thinking has been a key role in my life.  
"We are motivated either by our desires or emotions. It is something that drives us to get the things we want or feel we need."

 For years people have always asked me why am I so positive. What is Positive Power?  It is how one can, once acquired.  Harness the energy that positive thoughts can have an impact on you and those around you.   

 Thoughts are energy and energy is a frequency.  Properly channeled and focused. When you tune into your frequency, it is like a tuning a radio and finding the right station.  

Well it time to sign off.  Tune in and I look forward to sharing more about Positive Power.