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Wednesday 29 June 2016

“Can I do this or cannot do this?” Either way you chose, you are right.

Life is a journey and it is filled with people who come in and go out of our lives.  What we do with the experience gained by these people from coming into our lives is up to you.  Not all experiences are positive.  For me, the secret is what is more valuable?  The hurt or happiness?  Of course it is the one most uplifting. 

Even when building the tallest tower, it begins with the placement of a single stone.  Your life is the Tower and the single stone are the choices that we make each day.  Choice are what shape our reality.  I had spoken on this topic before and it is a very important that choices has consequences.  They are the end result of the decisions we have chosen to make.

I do not thing people truly understand how much influence they put on those around them.  Especially with those who are in what I like to call “Circle of Influence”.  I also have spoken about the power of having a “Circle of Influence”.  You can either benefit from your circle or have it block your personal growth.

Without Self-discovery, we will never find out destiny.  Destiny has its role and purpose in the Universe.  But it does not make us who we are.  It can enable us to have direction but to rely on Destiny alone is in my opinion “Foolish”.  Be accountable for what you say or do and take action to become what you want to become.

You hold all the building tools inside you.  Your mind, your “Circle of Influence” and the desire are the tools necessary to pave the roads and create your world.  Having a plan shows you value what you do.  If should anyone make a comment that is not uplifting or positive motivation then you don’t need to listen to it.  Treat it as not input but output of their foolishness. 

In my personal journey I have found people that are in my “Circle of Influence” to be successful in their own right.  They have been uplifting and provide constructive advice.  Sometimes, that advice that has been given was not what I wanted to hear but needed to have been said to engage me to become a better Self.

Someone who I know sent me this, “Nothing binds you except your thoughts, nothing limits you except your fear, and nothing controls you except your beliefs.  “Surrender to the nothingness”- Marianne Williamson.  It is very true statement and our thoughts are what binds our potential.  Thoughts are as strong as words that are spoken.  

We may not realize it but I am sure you have experienced a moment where a thought or word that was spoken had an impact that caused you to have doubt about yourself. “Can I do this or cannot do this?”  Either way you chose, you are right.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Get in…You're the driver of your Life

I have been reading some of the posts people have shared here and I was reminded of a talk I had done years ago.  It was about “Love” and “Fear”.  For the purpose of this post lets switch out Love for “Positive” and Fear for “Negative”.  This is the talk I shared at a networking event as a guest speaker.  I was talking how we are impacted by our thoughts and feelings we have.  
This was the talk…

I had listened to a webinar from Tony Robbins.  He talked about various things.  One of the topics was about what you fill your “Well”.  Pain causes a well to form in yourself.  But what you choose to fill it with is up to you.  Do you fill it with “Negative” or “Positive”? 
Do you fill it with “Negative” or “Positive”?

 Most, including myself had at one time chosen to fill my well with “Negative” instead of “Positive”.  But I have chosen to face my fears and uncertainties, now my life is going a different direction.  It unlocks and lets opportunities to come you.  Your past does not have to equal your future.  When we learn from our past and live in the present, it’s you who creates your future. 

I liked what Tony Robbins said, “Change your focus.  Change your Life.”  It’s interesting how we are affected by “Positive” and “Negative” thoughts.   Both have an impact on our daily lives.  They say we allow fear to rule or regulate our decisions.  I can only speak from my own experiences.  Fear was behind the wheel of my Life. 

Then I switched off the ignition from the passenger seat.  Told Fear to get out and they did.  The control was regained and I got my Life back.   Fear is in our minds.  If you let it dictate your life.  Then you really are not in control and Fear is.  The point I am making is this.  Fear is a thought and it can be removed.  By acknowledging the “Fear”.  Your mind will be able to face and will overcome it. 

"Get in…you are the driver of your Life"

I have published two books.  Both are filled with my photography and the second book is with my positive thoughts, poems that I have written and other positive phrases that I wanted to share with others.  Had I allowed the fear I had to continue be the driver behind the wheel of my Life. 
I would not have the confidence and believe in myself to publish a 2013 Calendar, “Picture this...” and “Words of Influence” books.  These would not exist if fear was allowed to stay.  I am living proof that that having faith in yourself makes things possible. 

“Have faith, oh wait.  Tim McGraw has Faith.”  Now I jest, but believe in yourself and others will believe in you also.  We are only the ones who limit our own potential.  Unlock your potential and share your talents.  This is was one of the many topics I shared at the event.  I believe the message in this talk is relative to how people are feeling and thinking about the work opportunities in Alberta.  What is happening in Alberta's economy is impacting everyone.  

I thought I would share this topic which I had at a networking event I attended.  Be the Positive impact in your Life and to those around you.   If you liked this please let me know and if you want to share this with others please do.  Have an eventful day and be the change of something amazing. 

F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real

This morning I thought I would go back to one of my resources which are called” The Gitomer Files”.  These files are a wealth of knowledge from someone who is internationally renowned for his methods in networking. 

He has been one of my mentors and I have learned a great deal from his teachings.  Within “The Gitomer Files”, there are videos, audio recordings and PDF documents that you can download.  It is my opinion that this content is priceless.

For those who may not know who Jeffrey Gitomer is, he is an American author, professional speaker, and business trainer, who writes and lectures internationally on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development.

One the videos I was watching was titled “C-Level Secrets”. What is a C-Level?  A C-Level is someone in the company who is a CEO, CFO or COO.  Otherwise anyone in an Executive position.  In this video was of course Jeffrey Gitomer and joining him was another internationally renowned sales authority. 


His name is Gerhard Gschwandtner.  Who is he? Gerhard Gschwandtner is the founder and CEO of Selling Power, Inc., a multi-channel media company that produces Selling Power magazine.  They were discussing about fear. Which they both knew meant False Evidence Appearing Real.

                             ·         False

                             ·         Evidence

                             ·         Appearing

                             ·         Real

A few years ago I spoke on a topic about conquering your fear by taking action. It was based from the chats I had with my dad when we met at the Legion for our Father and Son time.  When we face our fears. We take away the power it has over us.  I agree with what Jeffrey and Gerhard talk about fear being a false evidence appearing real.