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Sunday 22 September 2013

Your Story

I have found that we all have a story in us to tell.  It’s your story.  It’s a complication of our memories and experiences.  Our memories that range from what we first remember from our childhood to what we did the day before.  The thing with experience it has many levels.  There is a personal life experience, work experiences.  Shared experiences from others are part of the journey.

Well that is how I perceive experience and the levels that vary.  I am certain you may have your own interpretation.   Which lead to how your story you write it is how you see it.  People have a wealth of knowledge within themselves and some write to share and others to educate.  Before the internet we had paperback books.  

Technology has made it possible to share our stories on a global scale.  Blogs, electronic books (E-Books), and websites that store volumes of books like a library once held books on shelves.  Where I was working they gave me an invitation to guest speak to their members.  It was an opportunity to share some of my stories.  I am sure you may have heard of International Toastmasters.    

This was the group of members I was asked to come and do a talk as a guest speaker.    I spoke on “Actions Conquers Fear” and “Choice- It has the Power to Shape Our Reality”.  It struck a chord to the audience and I was asked I was asked to come back to speak.
The following week I thought carefully what story should I share for my next talk.  Then it was clear as to what I should speak on.   

 “Actions Conquers Fear”

We are always influenced by those who our inner circle.  I call it, “Circle of Influence”.  The day came for me to share my story.  What made this day different than the last time was after I had finished speaking.   They handed out ballots to vote on the best table topic.  I was not present for the first two speakers and I chose not to vote.  

The ballots were counted and the acting Chairperson was handed a piece of paper.  They opened and then announced who was voted.   “Today’s Best Table Topic Award goes to Gordon Pound.”  I was stunned and surprised.  I stood up and shook their hand and they handed me a mock trophy to represent the award.   The actual award was a blue ribbon. 

I cleared my throat, “I like to thank my mom, Coach Whymby and oh me.”  The members burst into laughter.  Chairperson presented me with my blue ribbon.  Then I stayed for the rest of the session.  Now I have two things that I have gained that I had not thought I would have.   I have asked to come back again and I have an award symbolizing the impact my stories have on others.  

It seems the stories I have the privilege to share were relative to their situations and I was not guided on what I should speak about.  Two weeks later I was guest speaking for them again.  The topic was, "Do We Learn from It or Linger on it?  The Choice Is Our Own To Make."  
In the beginning of these talks I share a joke that is relative to the topic I am speaking on. The one I shared was about how a man’s wife keeps taking the picture of him and putting into her hand bag and taking it to work and brings it back?
She explains that when she has a problem she takes the photo of him out and looks at it and the problem disappears.  The husband grins and gave thanks that he can help solve her problems.  The wife then tells that he has the wrong idea.  She looks at the photo of him and thinks what could be worse.  The members laughed and some of the facial expressions from the women they could relate.  

We all have a story and the greatest thing about being a story teller is if you don't like what you did today.  You have the power to write a new page in your book of Life.   

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