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Friday 19 April 2013

We Are Here On the Planet to Serve Others

As I had mentioned earlier, I am reading a book called, “See You At The Top.”  I came across a story Zig was sharing about a Businessman and a Beggar.  The beggar was selling pencils at the subway platform.  

 The Beggar

The businessman drops a dollar into the cup the beggar was holding and proceeds to board the train. He pauses, takes a step back and grabs several of the pencils from the cup.  

 The Businessman

He apologizes to the beggar for being in haste. He had forgot to grab his pencils.  He hoped he would not be upset.  He says to the beggar,” After all, you are a businessman just like myself.  You have merchandise to sell and it ‘s fairly priced. “ with that, got onto the train.  

A few months later at a social function.  The businessman is approached by a man in suit.  “You may not remember me and  I don’t know your name, but I will never forget you.  You are the man who gave me back my self respect.  I as a “beggar” selling pencils until you came along and told me I was a businessman. “

Zig wrote that a wise man said, “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.”  How we may see others has an impact which ignites the spark of influence to light the flame of potential that is laying dormant in all of us.  

 "The Flame of Potential"

We are destined for “Greatness” what is yours is for you to discover.  We don’t allow ourselves to believe we are capable of becoming more that what we think we can do.  I speak directly from my own experiences and let me tell you.  

I am realizing the more I read and truly listen to what Zig is sharing.  He has been where I am and is where I want to be.  That is why I am sharing my experience because if I can reach just one you.  Then I served my purpose.  

 Once you help others reach their dreams.  You will reach your dreams also.  We are here on the planet to serve others.

 We are here on the planet to serve others

Sunday 14 April 2013

You Could Be A Great One

I have been reading a book suggested reading by a program called the Affiliate Program.  The book is written by Zig Ziglar and it is called "See You At The Top."  It is an amazing read.  I wished I had read it earlier in my life.  But things happen for a reason and I was ready for what the book has written in its pages.

There are segments that later I will share with you what Zig has shared to those who read this book.  "You could be a great one." What was told to him by his mentor P.C. Merrell.  I can relate because throughout my my I have had people in my life like P.C. Merrell come in and say the same encouragement but my self -worth was being controlled by my lack of confidence in me.
Folks, it is easy to portray confidence but believing in yourself is another thing.  I did not believe in "Gordon".  But from reading this book I have realized I have to some degree abuse my time.  The great thing about life is there is always time to make a change for the better.  Life is a journey and is filled with many lessons.

What makes it special is it's not the cards we are dealt with.  But how we play our hand that we are dealt with.  I am reminded of a song that Chris Young sings.  It is called "Voices".  It not that he is crazy and hearing voices.  But rather, the voices of family who gave advice on life.  Here is the songs lyrics.


You could say I'm a little bit crazy
You could call me insane
Walkin' 'round with all these whispers
Runnin' 'round here in my brain

I just can't help but hear 'em
Man, I can't avoid it
I hear voices
I hear voices like

My dad sayin', "Work that job
But don't work your life away"
And mama tellin' me to drop some cash
In the offerin' plate on Sunday

And granddad sayin', "You can have a few
But don't ever cross that line"
Yeah, I hear voices all the time

Turns out I'm pretty dang lucky
For all that good advice
Those hard-to-find words of wisdom
Holed up here in my mind

And just when I've lost my way
Or I've got too many choices
I hear voices
I hear voices like

My dad sayin', "Quit that team
And you'd be a quitter for the rest of your life"
And mama tellin' me to say a prayer
Every time I lay down at night

And grandma sayin', "If you find the one
You better treat her right"
Yeah, I hear voices all the time

Sometimes I try to ignore 'em
But I thank God for 'em
'Cause they made me who I am

My dad sayin', "Work that job
But don't work your life away"
And mama tellin' me to drop some cash
In the offerin' plate on Sunday

And granddad sayin', "You can have a few
But don't ever cross that line"
Yeah, I hear voices all the time
Yeah, I hear voices all the time
All the time 
I was someone who sought the approval of others and what they thought of me.  The book has helped me realized I was only fooling myself and selling myself short.  We all have in us the "Great One".  We need more people like what Zig Ziglar and I had who saw how we could be great ones, we just needed to believe it for ourselves.  
2013 is my year to become "The Great One".  I finally see and  believe in what those wonderful and giving people who could see in me what I was so blind to see for myself.  Listen to people who have been where you are and who have what you want.  Greatness lives in all of us, we just need the courage to see that we have it.  

Path and Choice Are Our Own

It's funny to some level how I came up with this topic.  I was playing a video  game called "Uncharted 3".  Drake, who is the main character of the game, said something that I found interesting to hear even for a video game.  It had a ring of truth to it.

What he said was, "Path and Choice are our own." I had talked about how the choices we make create our reality. When Drake said what he did in the game it makes sense.  The path is created by the choices we make ourselves.

 "Path and Choice are our own."

Another great example of how path and choice have an impact on our lives is the television show called "FRINGE".  In this story line there are two Universes and the paths and choice they have made have created an alternated reality.


The path we walk in our life is created by the choices we make or don't.  I truly believe we are the "Architects of our own Design."  We are "Creators of Worlds."  We write the story of our lives no one has the quill but you.

"Architects of our own Design."

"Creators of Worlds."

Your world is created the path and where it takes you in our hands.  Some have allowed others be the Captain of their vessel.   I know I have in the past and it has taken me some time to get behind the wheel. You are the "Navigator"  of your life.  It has been a year but it is a year where I have been steering and plotting the course
of my life.


The path is made by the choices I make.  I have a wonderful "Circle of Influence."  My life has become more enriched and rewarding ever before.  I now love who I am becoming and I know that I am loved.  Our paths and choices do not define who we are.  It is who we become that defines who we are.