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Saturday 22 November 2014

Action Conquers Fear!

I recall a conversation I had with my dad.  It was one of those “Father and Son” moments.  What sparked the moment, I can’t recall.  But what he is said has merit.  Everything we do in this world; requires a form of “Action” in order for it to happen.  

Me and my Pop

An example of “Action” is this very talk that I am doing right now.   For this to have happened I had to take “Action” and think of how I was going to write this topic.   Speaking to a small to large audience it tends to raise fear in most people.

Fear is an emotion brought on by our thoughts.  When we take control of that thought and take “Action” to overcome the fear of speaking to an audience.  We are becoming more confident in ourselves.  We gradually become a stronger presenter and we gain more experience.  

The more you practice a skill, be it an instrument, writing, or in this case speaking.  The more you become an expert of it.  Think of the all the actors in the movie and television industry.  They have practiced and taken courses to perfect what is known as the “Craft”.
Your “Craft” is presenting.  A part of that is speaking.   I encourage all of you to practice your craft, harness it and use it to make the change you want in your life.  Be that Change.  The Action you take today will overcome your Fear of tomorrow.

I envy a Hermit, because Hermits have no peer pressure.
Dr. Wayne Dyer held a seminar on at topic that is relative to this talk.  It was, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life.”  We have the ability and the capacity to do this.  How does one make this change?   By changing the way we think. 

Thoughts are just as powerful as words if not more.  Look at Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein from what they had to say about” Thought.”


Albert Einstein said: 


 Leonardo said

 Thoughts have power and they determine how you live your life.  Do we live the in Fear or Action?  The choice is yours.  Taking your thoughts and putting them into “Action”.    It scores through the soil of Doubt and allows you to plant the seeds of Belief.

 They will grow and provide you with Wisdom.  With the wisdom you learn to harvest your Confidence. The actions you take to conquer the fears will be rewarding.  Because not just you will benefit but those who are around you will also reap what you sowed.  

This is why we are here in this room to Learn, Grow and become more than what we are.  You are not alone in this Quest for becoming a Great Speaker.  I join you in this journey and I believe each of us have the power to be a “Great Speaker.” 

Written by Gordon Pound


I realize I have been away since September 22, 2013 and I have so much to share with you since my last post. I am proud to share with you that I was honored with an award from International Toastmasters. But, I am getting ahead of myself. 

I was working at Worley Parsons as an IT Support Analyst. At the beginning of each staff meeting, they had what they called a “one way moment”. I received a message from a co-worker that I would be speaking at our next meeting.  I did not believe them.  They told me to check the schedule.  I checked the schedule and sure enough I was speaking at our next meeting.  

I started to think about what I could share that would benefit the team.  Then I recalled that I have a blog that is filled with many examples.  I discovered a post that talks about the balance between personal and professional life.  After I had spoken at our meeting, I had a visit from a woman who was on the same floor as our team.  She had seen my picture of Yoda that I had posted on my cubical wall.  

It prompted an interesting conversation.  Her daughter was a big fan of Star Wars.  I mentioned that I knew the conceptual artist for Star Wars 4-6.  She asked how my day was and I said it was interesting I was asked to speak about the balance between personal and professional life.  She asked me if she could read what I wrote and I shared it with her.  After she had read it, she asked if I would be a guest speaker at their next International Toastmasters’ meeting.  I said I would be honored and thanked her for the invite.  I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to speak about so I went to my blog to see what topic might benefit the group.
One of the topics I wrote about was called “Circle of Influence”.  I sensed it would be an ideal topic to share with the group.  They liked it so much I was asked to come back as a guest speaker.  What could I share with them next? I recalled my conversations with my Pop.   He and I had spoken about how action overcomes fear. I began to write about how taking action can conquer fear.  I wanted to impart there is strength in taking action and that it is possible to face your fears.  I trusted that when I spoke the group would see the value in my message and that they would take away with them the knowledge that fear is brought on by our thoughts and we all have the power to change those thoughts.

I was the last speaker, and when the chairperson said it was time to vote on best table topic, I was shocked because this didn’t happen at the last meeting.  The scores were tallied and the person assigned to tally the votes announced the winner “The winner for Best Table Topic is Gordon Pound.” I was stunned and shocked when I was asked to take the podium. I was presented with a mock trophy and said, “I would like to thank mom, Coach Whimby and oh yeah, me.”  They all chuckled and clapped.  

I was asked to speak two more times before I left Worley Parsons. The topics that I spoke about I will be sharing with you here. The feedback I got from the members was invaluable. They all said what I shared with them was exactly what they needed to hear. Remember, I didn’t have any guidelines; these topics came to me and I thought they would benefit everyone.

More to follow...