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Tuesday 18 June 2013

"Do We Learn From It or Linger On It? The Choice Is Our Own To Make."

I was inspired by a conversation that I had with a very dear friend.  During our chat, I said to her, “Do we learn from it or linger on it?”  Which has a ring of truth to it, do we take from the experience a lesson learned or do we dwell and wonder what if?

“Do we learn from it or linger on it?”

I can only share with you from my own volumes that are in my Library of Life.  In this particular series I will admit that I have had my fair share of lessons and times of lingering.  The thing is this, the choice is our own to make.  I have ridden the Emotional Roller Coaster.  The ups and downs along with the curves and bends have caused queasy spells.  

“The Emotional Roller Coaster”
We all have our own Library of Life to pull out moments or a memory from.  This topic was prompted from a conversation and I felt it was important to share that it is ok.  Either way you choose.  It is yours to experience and you can grow from the situation.  Or let it grind your life to a stop.  Then your life is on hold and in most cases it is not just you who has been put on hold.

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb

What is important is your journey.  You can help yourself and you alone.  To expect another to fix your situation is in my opinion a bit inconsiderate.  I can say that because I have done that to others and that was only impacting me from becoming the person who I am now.  I welcome the negative because from it the positive is a lesson and hopefully I was able to learn from it. 

“What is important is your journey”

There times I have not learned the lesson and have repeated the experience.  But to know that I have done this shows that I can distinguish there is a difference.  That one step forward in my book and individual results will vary for certain.  But if I can you can and that at least is a something to think about.  I am saying for me it was not good to linger in the past because it put my future on pause and was not growing.  

“Should we heed to repeat the lesson”

A plant needs sunlight to grow.  If you deprive it of sunshine, then you stunt its ability to mature and reach its potential.  It is the same when you choose to linger.  You prevent from maturing to your full potential.  Learning is your sunshine and gives you the building blocks to develop that ever evolving being that you are by design made to be.

 “A plant needs sunlight to grow”

We are still masters of our fate.
We are still captains of our souls.
Winston Churchill