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Sunday 10 June 2012

Great moments are made from great opportunities…….

I can’t recall where I heard this quote, I was moved by what it was being said.  In our lives we are filled will many moments.  Some are wonderful and then there are those we would sure like to forget.  I am reminded of the song George Strait “The Breath You Take”.  This was very touching.

“You just might miss the point
If ya don't slow down the pace
Life's not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away”

These lyrics are very true.  It is the moments that take your breath away.  We spend too much time rush, rush, and go, go.  Our time here is only for so long.  The sum of our lives is comprised of the moments we have.  When I was in Nova Scotia, I was witness to a way of life there that was very different from what I had come to know in Calgary.  
 Moments Shared

It was like another time and place.  It was like time had stopped.  The pace of people there was the opposite of what we have in Calgary.  During my stay there was filled with many moments.  What are your moments?  Life is meant to be enjoyed and what I saw while on my trip to Nova Scotia. They were living life.  

Talk about moments.  Last night I was with an amazing group of people.  We get together on the first Friday of the month.   The person from the last dinner who wins the game of the evening gets to choose the next place to dine at.
Dinner with friends

Our moments are personal and sometimes not so much.  But in the end, they are our own.  Moments are a part of how we grow or shrink.  Like a plant, it grows from what it is exposed to.  As are we exposed to moments that come into our lives.  They shape us as I had spoken about in "Choice" It Has the Power To Shape Our Reality."
Moments in our lives are captured in photographs and shared memories. Opportunities are present when a moment arises.   Bruce Lee said, ”You have to create your own luck.  You have to be aware of the opportunities around you and take advantage of them.”


Opportunities are moments and together create our realities to some extent.  Life gives us to participate in other people and their moments.  I have found from writing this and other postings.  Several moments that are filled with learning, growing and becoming a better person.  
 Creating moments

In our lives, moments are like chess pieces to some degree.  Each move you make with your moments, changes the end result.  However, because it is your life, you are constantly moving.  Each move you make reacts and creates ripples into your future.  The moments we have are what makes the lives we have unfold.   

Chess Pieces